Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Preparing for a road trip this winter


How to prepare for a road trip this winter - Milstead Service Center, Conroe, TX

Conroe, United States - February 1, 2023 /Milstead Service Center/

Preparing for a road trip this winter

Winter is here - and this is the season to be jolly! A time to meet friends and family and long road trips over the holidays. What a wonderful feeling to plan a party and travel with friends! Here are a few tips on what you should have in your travel kit as you hit the road this festive season.

First and foremost, get your car to your trusted Milstead Service Center, and have them check the engine, tires, brakes, wipers, and all parts. Ascertain that the vehicle is in top shape for a long drive and tank up for a smooth journey. That’s the easy part. A professional check-up and service will guarantee that the car is winter-ready.

Emergency kit and extra supplies - planning for contingencies

AAA Texas recommends that every road traveler have a few extra supplies for a long road trip. Weather being unpredictable, it would be a shame to get caught up in freak winter weather events without supplies or connectivity. So, here’s what you should carry to be safe in adverse conditions.

  1. An emergency kit comes in handy if you get stuck in a winter storm. The kit should contain the following supplies:
  • Flashlight and extra batteries
  • Radio
  • Emergency flares to attract attention if stranded or a brightly-colored cloth to tie to the antennae to make it visible to anyone searching for you
  • Reflectors
  • Tire chains if the vehicle needs towing for auto repairs
  • Ice scrapers - to keep windshields and windows free of ice
  • Rock salt to melt the ice and sand or cat litter for traction
  • Jumper cables
  • Mobile phone charger

  1. Besides these, a survival kit with food, medicines, and warm clothing is necessary.

  • A first-aid kit with extra medications
  • Extra blankets and sleeping bags
  • Extra warm clothing for every person in the car - gloves, warm underclothing.
  • Food and snacks for all passengers, including pets
  • Rags and wipes
  • Drinking water - can never be too much
  • Road map

While on a road trip, particularly in inclement weather, keep the contact number of a good mechanic service handy. Also, make sure a couple of people not traveling with you know your travel plans and the route you are taking just in case you get cut off from a cell phone network or are lost.

What costs the most to repair a car?

Most of us forget that a car is a machine made up of many little and big parts that can malfunction at any time. Once a vehicle is bought and is in regular use, one tends to keep pushing it without thinking about its maintenance. Not paying attention to the upkeep of the car can have disastrous consequences.

  • The engine is like the heart of the body. Regularly running checks on its running, oil changes, and electrical parts will reduce the risk of running unnecessary expenses.
  • Transmission - a transmission breakdown can burn a hole in the pocket.
  • The Head Gasket - seals the cylinders and prevents leaks.
  • The Camshaft - should be serviced as often as needed.
  • The Brake Line - is critical to stop the vehicle and should be protected from rusting.

Regular check-ups of these will eliminate the possibility of sudden auto repair and avoid significant expenses of between $1000 to $5000.

Why Milstead Service Center?

With three decades of service to the community and certifications from ASE and AAA, Milstead Service Center is a name that evokes trust and dependability in Conroe. A commitment to quality and charitable causes makes them valuable contributors to the community. To keep your vehicle in good health, visit Milstead Service Center, Conroe, TX, or call (936) 441-3500.

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