Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Driving carefully with caution in wet, wintry, inclement weather


How to drive cautiously with care in wet, wintry, inclement weather - Milstead Service Center, Conroe, TX

Conroe, United States - January 25, 2023 /Milstead Service Center/

Everyone loves going on a summer holiday - clear skies with glowing sunshine on a warm and bright day. But, a long drive in the winter, with gloomy skies and rain, black ice on the road, or sleet, is another story altogether. Motorists need to be extra careful to avoid any untoward incidents or accidents.

The first unwritten rule is to check that your car is in tip-top shape and ready for a long drive in adverse conditions. Take the vehicle to a professional service like Milstead Service Center and have them run all diagnostics and fix any possible issues before heading out on a winter holiday.

Tips for safe driving in winter

Following these basic pointers for driving in inclement weather will go a long way in keeping everyone in the car safe.

  • Always wear a seatbelt. It is a lifeline.
  • Always keep your eyes and focus on the road. It’s easy to get distracted by other cars, the scenery, or even the side rails on the road. Focus on the way and where you want to head. Not on the vehicle ahead as the reference point. It will help in navigation and anticipating how to maneuver.
  • Keep a safe distance from the vehicle ahead to avoid collision in case of sudden braking. Remember, a wet road or black ice can cause loss of traction, and the car can go into a skid with terrible consequences. Losing control can cause the back of the vehicle to fishtail or go into a spin.
  • Watch out for larger trucks. Refrain from cutting across in front of them to move ahead. Larger trucks and trailers are heavy and can’t move quickly. If the driver needs to brake suddenly, the vehicle will not stop immediately.
  • In case of a breakdown, make sure to have the number of auto repair shops along the route in a diary or a piece of paper in case the phone loses charge.
  • Drive slowly and stay below the speed limit—sleet and rain hamper visibility. Telltale signs on the road get missed when speeding. If visibility is down, stop for a while and wait for conditions to improve.
  • More speed means less control. Sudden braking on a road that is wet or has black ice can send the car into a skid. Slow and steady is the key. 
  • If the car goes into a skid - do not panic or try to control the direction the vehicle is heading. Let go of the pedals and ease the car along the line of the skid for a bit until you get control. Only then steer back on course.
  • If stuck on the road - check the exhaust of the car. It should not get clogged and cause deadly carbon monoxide to leak into the vehicle.
  • Clear all windows of ice for better visibility.
  • A pre-travel check of tires, tire treads, and wheel alignment will reduce the risk of accidents and the need for car repair.

Why is auto repair important?

Having a reliable and experienced mechanic to look after your car is important. Not only will the auto repair mechanic fix the vehicle when something is wrong, but he will also be able to figure out if there is an imminent issue since he knows the car well, so you will avoid getting stuck on the road. A dependable mechanic from a trustworthy auto repair shop will help you save time and money and get your vehicle on the road as soon as possible. Reach out to the car specialists to keep your car in top shape and running at all times. Call Milstead Service Center, Conroe, TX, for maintenance, tuning, and other services for your vehicle at (936) 441-3500. Drive safe!

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